Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The ambiguous right to complain.

When I was in year 10, about to do my School Certificate, I remember telling the younger years that they don't have the right to complain about their workload since I 'obviously' have so much more to do. Except it doesn't stop there.

In year 11, I tell the year 10 students they have no right to complain about their workload and the School Certificate since I have so much more, in year 12, I tell the year 11s the exact same thing, and now I'm in uni, telling the year 12 students they have no right to complain about the HSC since uni 'obviously' requires more work and discipline.

So where did my right to complain come from? As well as my right to tell others they don't have the right to complain? I would be in the workforce in a few years time, telling anyone in school they have no right to complain because 'real life' is obviously harder.

Except I hope it stops there.

1 comment:

  1. Tony, long time no see, and talk! How have you been? Enjoying uni? :) Haha anyways, I look at your list of idols, and then think of mine... I laugh x)
