Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Race for first.

Good 'ole half yearlies have whipped around the corner and has lined up at the start line, waiting for the signal.

In first lane is Advanced English - Creative Writing. It is good that I have managed to make it really obvious what my story is about.

Next would be Maths. Only Two Unit but 25%. So...that's the drawback.

Then I have Saturday, Sunday and Monday to study for Economics, Legal Studies and Extension Maths. That should be enough time if I start at 8 and finish at 5. IF.

Well, I wish everyone luck.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


It has come to my awareness at how many people become fascinated once becoming involved with viewing magic - real time. It only required a simple flick of the wrist and a simple motion of the fingers and people look upon in awe and shock. It intrigues me. Today I performed the Coin Matrix infront of my pastoral care group and stunned each and every person. Also I managed to impress the people in my English class that day. People really do like this trick. This shall be my signature trick until I learn a more amazing one.

P.S. People say my personal sound effects and the way I communicate is great. *smile*

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pyramids of modern society.

The countdown begins for the half yearlies to approach with each second ticking, faster and faster in pace with the heart as the nerves begin to kick in.

I'm glad that the jersey tags catastrophe has come to an end with the newer generation triumphant over the head authority.

Now the thing is, is that there is a thing called the "is is" epidemic within society. This is grammatically incorrect by the way. But it is very popular.

Now to ramble on with a thought.

Dignity I believe is one aspect that all humans should be born with, no matter what your race, skin colour, gender, sex and etc. This is not the case. The situation at the moment is, dignity is a reputation on earns throughout their lifetime, similar to an achievement hierarchy. Those that are raised better with better education and have better educated parents, tend to develop their skills to gain dignity from society faster. The more intellect one is, the higher the dignity one gets. Anyone else with me on this one?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It took me a while to realise and remember that it's about time I started sharing some of my favourite youtube clips, since I can say that I'm probably one of the Youtube addicts in my grade.

My favourite concept is the use of programming music into an animated form, hence: Animusic! Lots of credit to the producers and composers who dedicated their time and effort into creating beautiful pieces of easy listening music. Some of them anyway.

Anyway. Enjoy!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Discovered Check.

The other day, think it was Saturday week, I was playing this man in his 30's on one of the smaller chessboard with his pieces he brought, seeking for players. So his skills are much more higher than mine.

Ok...on with the story. So I was playing chess against him, and there were people watching, families, individuals, chess enthusiasts, boys and girls of all ages. So in the end, I resigned being down in material and he explained to me where my mistakes were in the game. Afterwards, there were these girls who also watched our game and I ended up chatting to them. We went for lunch afterwards. Suddenly, out of nowhere, one of the girls *not disclosing name here* asked me out and really...I was frozen.

So good sign???

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mr. Magician

In love with a new song at the moment. Too bad it's asian...hahaha

Here are the lyrics:

你舉手 你抬頭 你說選我選我
手上鎖 又掙脫 你仍一臉迷惑
吹個風 手一鬆 那硬幣 竟失蹤
一鞠躬 那掌聲 拍的兇

手交錯 輕輕碰 戒指換手移動
給觀眾 一個夢 訝異中有笑容
手穿海報卻不拿漢堡 反而拿出牛仔帽
你永遠都 猜不著
等待白鴿飛出 再將愛說清楚

啊~讀你讀你讀 心想啥事
我手法精緻 艾爾姆支 雷一百分的姿勢
誰說戀愛別 找魔術師
我不需要解釋 所以他小丑我是大師

你舉手 你抬頭 你說選我選我
我將牌 換顏色 變出你的選擇
將自由 的女神 變不見 不稀奇
101 變不見 才驚喜

手攤開 帽子裡 總能空手出牌
不管切 多少牌 總能切得回來
手穿海報卻不拿漢堡 反而拿出牛仔帽
你永遠都 猜不著

啊~讀你讀你讀 心想啥事
我手法精緻 艾爾姆支 雷一百分的姿勢
誰說戀愛別 找魔術師
我不需要解釋 所以他小丑我是大師

讀你讀你讀 心想啥事
我手法精緻 艾爾姆支 雷一百分的姿勢
誰說戀愛別 找魔術師
我不需要解釋 所以不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了

讀你讀你讀 心想啥事
我手法精緻 艾爾姆支 雷一百分的姿勢
誰說戀愛別 找魔術師
我不需要解釋 所以他小丑我是大師

And here is the video:

Monday, March 9, 2009

A page in time.

It sometimes interests me on how the Board of Studies comes up with the syllabus...over 100 pages long. Nice reading to do there.

Anyway, seems like finally, one of my poems has gained a fair bit of popularity amongst the people I have shown it to, which is really only two people. Have to keep on working on it.

As the exams draw closer, more preparation is needed as well as study so I have no idea why I'm blogging here, don't ask.

But it seems to me that sometimes, just sometimes, that the work you do in class really has no more than 50% influence on your life. I find the most useful subjects to take are English, Maths and Legal Studies. Maybe Economics as well as Community and Family Studies. But everything else I find to be pretty useless, unless your career revolves around that, then of course, that's an exception. In the context of everyday normal living, really, you don't need to know that an acid plus a base will make a neutral solution, and you certainly don't need to find the area under a curve.

Anyway, enjoy! (whatever you are enjoying)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mucked up day.

Today was mucked, mucked but fun.

So I had a double free period this morning and went shopping...for a top. Ended up buying a pink carebear shirt which was XL in girls' size but still too small for me. Thank you Fiona, Anna and Takuma.

Ok, so I bought it since I already went all out by getting a feathered boa and a skirt.

Nobody was concentrating on school work since everyone was so excited for the photos that it took a good while to get the traditional year 12 photos taken.

Finally, the moment arrived. Boy, was I mucked. Sorry, I meant girl. Since I dressed like one. Black skirt, pink carebear top, Jennifer's pink and purple wig, and black feathered boa. Plus thongs. What a great combo. Sure got some weird looks by the other years' as I walked out of the changing room.

Enough being said, I actually enjoyed it and Milton got pretty annoyed at me acting all stupid. Classic. Got photos with some people and mucked around a bit more, in my painted nails that I forgot about!

But at the end of the day, the award for the best dressed has to go to Colin, and his awesome panda costume. Mascot for the class of '09!

I didn't bring a camera do I personally did not take any photos, but I will pinch other peoples' photos with me in it once it goes up. Sounds like a plan.

P.S. Since we wasted time on the traditional photo, we ran out of time to take the muck up photo, therefore I didn't have time to get makeup on. What a shame.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Time travel paradox.

Pretty pleased today.

Let us begin with english. It was fun, entertaining and interesting. Ms Ansoul has some of the most basic stories, but the way she tells them with so much enthusiasm and expression, it brightens up the class. I really enjoyed listening to them and I hope she tells more in the future. She really is my favourite teacher as well as the teacher with the best sense of humour. Plus a dozen or more other qualities.

Now legal studies. 9/10 for my speech, quite happy, not that bad. Also, I'm currently placed first overall in rankings. Just have to sustain that for the rest of the year.

Now why does maths have to be so complex at times? I walk out of the exam room realising I made about half a dozen mistakes at least off the spot. Damn. Oh well. The damage has been done. No crack in a fortress may be regarded small. Credit to Ms Ansoul for making sure that stuck in my head.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Viral Feed.

First things first, I know I have not blogged in a while.

Secondly, I have no idea how many of you would be reading this after Ms Ansoul mentioned it in class.

Thirdly, seems interesting to me that for those that are reading this have actually googled "Ansoul". Intriguing.

Amazing how curious we all are as humans.

Anyway, finished legal speeches after what seemed an age, also 3u maths exam tomorrow.

Also, after speaking to sir, I am granted permission to sit the general mathematics exam. That is awesome! But the thing is, if I don't top it, then it's shame...